As I drive around our community I see all the baby cows curled up in the tall grass. A sign that spring is here. 65 degrees yesterday, made a perfect day to move the baby chicks out to the big chicken coop. Steve built a great area for them, separate from the mature ladies, and they are having a blast testing their wings and trying to stay balanced on their roosting pole. The photo at left was their brooder (much too small now). Our mature hens love their new nesting boxes and additional roosting pole that they have all started laying eggs again. We are thrilled. Spring is indeed just around the corner.
Our one lonely female mallard (who moved next door with the males) comes back each morning and quacks up a storm in case any old friends show up.
Steve has begun to plow up the garden. In a week or two I will mix up our first organic fertilizer to add to the soil and begin forming our rows. The fall-planted garlic has already peaked beyond the winter mulch. I can't wait to plant.
Cheese making is coming along, but I need more practice. I can't seem to keep the temps consistent so my curds are not as strong as they need to be. I'll keep trying, becuase Ricotta and mozzarella are good at any time!
In the nice weather on Saturday, we walked up to our back stables to check on our newest addition to the farm, a black and white calico ferrel cat who sneeks down to our deck at night to check for water and food. We noticed the fox den was clean and well used. Time to blow the family out. They fed on our birds for too long last year. Time for a bit of extermination! I just have to find out what to do!
Never a dull moment and always something going on. It's heaven!
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