Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cold but still pulling in some green!

After a week in Tucson Arizona, I arrived home in the warm arms of my husband, thankfully, as it was 39 degrees out.  We had a hard freeze while I was gone and lost half of my yellow bean plants but the others are still full of blossoms.  I spent a good hour picking these veggies for this week.  Carrots, Lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, 3 white eggs I found that were not in nesting boxes, bad little hens (you always have to look everywhere with free range hens) yellow beans and of course Swiss Chard.

Mexican Pot Roast
First night home I made a mexican pot roast in the crock pot.  I rubbed Cumin and Ancho Chili Powder on the meat (chuck roast) salted and peppered and laid it on a bed of 1 lb. Carrots, 1lb roma tomatoes (I used frozen from the garden but you can use a 14 oz can, undrained; 1 lb. of roasted hatch chilies, 4 roasted jalapenos and 1 medium onion sliced.  I set it on high for the first two hours, then low the last two hours.
The meat fell apart and I served it with a garden salad and warm torillas.

Radishes, greens and all!
Radishes are great to grow because you get your rewards so soon.  And if you have been following my blog, you know I eat the whole radish, greens and all.  Last night I prepared them and added a new taste: Pine Nuts! It was fabulous!
1 lb. while radishes, greens attached , well washed and root tips clipped off
After washing the radishes and letting them drain, cut the radish in half leaving each half connected to some of the greens.
Heat 2 TBSP of Olive Oil in a saute pan, add two cloves garlic, minced, and saute until toasted but not too brown.  Add radishes and 1/4 cup dry white wine.  Saute radishes and gently turn them to suate evenly.  Salt and pepper to taste, add 1 tbsp of lemon juice and saute for another two minutes until the leaves are wilted.  Add 2 TBSP Pine Nuts and saute until slightly toasted.  Serve immediately.  The buttery flavor of the pine nuts adds a wonderful flavor to the crunchy wine flavored radishes!

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